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Learning How to Move Through Discomfort and Build Intimacy with Pussy Massage

People live in a state of disconnection with themselves and with others because moving into reconnection can actually be quite emotionally challenging. In some cases, it can even be physically challenging. Pussy massage may offer some benefits.

Building real connection and intimacy within ourselves and with others requires the ability to move through the discomfort of the many emotions we are holding in relation to our disconnection. Lack of intimacy is usually the result of avoidance – not only do we avoid feeling the more painful or challenging feelings, but there are aspects of ourselves, often reflected in others, that we avoid in order to circumvent the discomfort associated with confronting them.

For example, we may have a very deep desire for more sensual pleasure in our lives, but we might avoid asking for that or seeking it because we have uncomfortable feelings lying between our present experience and that which we desire. We may be deeply uncomfortable with being vulnerable because it makes us feel unsafe, because in the past we have been vulnerable and experienced pain as a result. We may have experiences in our past that make it hard for us to trust we are safe when we are receiving sensual pleasure.

Our body keeps the score with such experiences – when we go through something that is traumatic or that brings up a feeling of lack of safety, our body marks the experience as something that is unsafe, and therefore goes into defense and self-protective mode. This can make it doubly hard for someone to open up and receive pleasure, because their body is fighting against the current experience, believing it to be a situation in which they are in danger. It’s really hard to lay back and enjoy yourself when part of you believes you are in danger.

The lack of pleasure that we feel in association to sensual touch due to the amount of shut down we have in our body, because of negative experiences in the past, can be a major deterrent when it comes to pursuing the desire of experiencing more sensual pleasure. We can get into a cycle where we simply tell ourselves we are not interested. It is too painful to wade through the waters of trying to accept and receive sensual touch, so we just tell ourselves that it is not really our thing.

The truth is, that living in denial of a deep desire like the desire for loving, connected physical touch, is truly a painful way to live. It’s a half-lived life. It is living in an illusion of safety and comfort that ultimately doesn’t feel all that safe or comfortable. Deep down, we all long for a feeling of connection. We all long to be seen and loved in our most vulnerable state. Denial of this need is denial of a deep aspect of our humanity.

Connection is a basic need for all humans. To be seen, heard, and held in our most vulnerable of states is a basic need. The ability to embody our full truth, to bring our fully authentic selves to an intimate interaction with another, is a basic need.

Some of us were denied this basic need as children. Some of us had to withdraw into ourselves at a very young age because our basic need for connection was not being met. Some of us learned to generate emotional drama, or conflict, in order to attract the attention – this experience felt at least adjacent to connection – which we so desperately craved.

Some of us learned how to be entirely independent. Some of us learned how to be completely dependent upon others. Many of us did not have our need for authentic, vulnerable, loving connection met.

The pain of this level of disconnection is uncomfortable to wade through. It creates a physical and emotional resistance to intimacy that is incredibly difficult to surmount. This is why people find themselves in “romantic” connections that end up feeling more like living parallel lives. People create connections of “comfort” that are actually just unspoken agreements around avoiding intimacy.

Patterns are developed around certain aspects of life that are not to be touched our explored, and it becomes a way of life. People create habits of survival that work, that serve many basic needs, but, ultimately, they don’t serve those deeper emotional needs – the need to be deeply, authentically seen and loved.

These connections are more connections of convenience than they are connections of true intimacy. The truth is, most humans are craving connection on a level that has become hard to reach due to the amount of negative intimate experiences most of us have had and are having. It has become a real act of courage to vulnerably engage in true intimacy with another person.

Benefits of Pussy Massage

This is where pussy massage enters the picture. Pussy massage is erotic massage for women. Pussy massage is a beautiful opportunity to lean into the discomfort of intimacy, as a practice. Pussy massage is an opportunity for a woman to fully lean in to relaxation in the presence of a partner, to fully open to receiving all sensation and pleasure. Pussy massage is an exercise in intimate trust, an opportunity to gain clarity around what one enjoys and what one does not.

A pussy massage practitioner is trained to keep a careful eye trained on your body’s responses to pleasure. They are also trained to create complete clarity during a session around your desires and your boundaries. The goal is to create an experience that is solely a source of relaxation and pleasure, not a source of further stress or trauma.

Pussy massage can actually be an incredibly effective way to reset the body’s experience with physical intimacy. By creating clarity around one’s desires, connecting with the body and getting clear around what would and would not feel good to experience, one is given the opportunity to experience the fulfillment of such desires in a safe scenario. This creates a brand new experience with intimacy, and can help the body learn to trust and open during pleasure, rather than feel threatened and closed down.

Intimacy and connection require leaning into discomfort. Opening up to deeper levels of experience requires bravery through exploration, and opening up to new sensations and experiences. It is so easy to avoid this work. It is so easy to lead a life that only scrapes the surface and doesn’t meet our deepest needs. In so many ways, it is so easy to survive, rather than thrive.

But the truth is, so many of us are not satisfied with merely surviving. Many of us want to experience the juice of life, the deepest reasons for living. Intimacy and connection are among these. The amount of sheer passion we are capable of feeling in connection with another person is part of what makes it so worthwhile to be a human.

Pussy massage is an opportunity to fully embrace that which is uncomfortable – in this case, the idea of a strange person touching your body and providing you sexual stimulation – and open up to receiving the reward on the other side of this discomfort – deep satisfaction.

Deep satisfaction is something that so many of us refuse to acknowledge that we crave. We are afraid to ask ourselves the challenging questions around what we crave that might be considered unpopular or taboo. The idea that we may be allowed to desire what we do based on a purely individual basis is denied. The truth is, that when it comes to connection and intimacy, there is no desire that is taboo. One thing that pussy massage is great for is eradicating shame around desire.

Pussy massage often comes with, essentially, a menu of experiences, and there is no judgment what-so-ever around particular desires. While someone might have experienced shame around desiring anal stimulation, for example, for much of their lives, a pussy massage is an opportunity to explore such sensation completely guilt and shame-free. This can be incredibly healing.

Basically, if you have a sexual desire that you feel resistance around admitting to, it is likely due to shame, and requesting such pleasure during a pussy massage can completely heal this shame, and open you up to completely new levels of pleasure and passion that you had not imagined.

Pussy massage is an opportunity to get real with yourself around what you truly, deeply desire to experience at the hands of a pleasure partner. It is an opportunity to drop the shackles of shame, open wide the field of potentiality and to truly consider for the first time what you would enjoy to experience if there were no question other than what would you like to receive.

Pussy massage presents an opportunity when there is zero expectation of reciprocation, and the only question that matters is – what would you enjoy? What do you need? What would be pleasurable to you?

This is why pussy massage is such a beautiful chance to step into what feels uncomfortable and unfamiliar, in order to experience more intimacy with self and another person. It can completely reestablish patterns and open up new possibilities for connection. Pussy massage can be a fantastic way to put the intention of greater connection with self and others into action.

Coming Soon: Pussy Massage Videos

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Yoni Massage Near Me

Female Anal

I was so thrilled that I had been brave enough to search for yoni massage near me and try out this experience. I was so proud of myself for allowing myself to receive pleasure and just letting that be what it was about. And I was beyond excited for my next adventure, when I would challenge myself by requesting something off of the yoni massage menu that would tease my edges even more. What a thrill!

Yoni Massage Therapy Benefits

Yoni Massage Therapy Benefits

If you are considering receiving a yoni massage, consider what the experience could do for your relationship to your own sexuality. Imagine what it could do to help you get to know yourself and your own pleasure preferences on a deeper level. Imagine being able to meet the desirable woman you have always been face to face, allowing her to be embodied. A yoni massage can be a playground for your desires – liberate yourself to imagine all that you would find pleasurable to receive. Watch, as the world around you shifts to reflect your newfound ability to receive. Yoni massage therapy benefits can be absolutely magical.

Vagina Anatomy

I want to learn about my Vagina Anatomy

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When I first searched for yoni massage therapists who treat anorgasmia and discovered yoni massage, I never imagined it could be the practice that could help me release years of sexual dysfunction, and heal my intimate relationship with my husband, so that we could both enjoy a more fulfilling sex life. The impact of this pleasure practice has truly been profound in my life.



Yoni massage healed a giant rift in my relationship and in my connection with my own body – it allowed us to directly communicate in a new way, and life between us has not been the same since. I’m so glad I found yoni massage and was able to heal my relationship with my own body, and my interoception, so my husband and I could engage with each other in this new way.


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It taught my husband how to give me some pretty mind-blowing pleasure. His technique has improved ten-fold! Yoni massage has changed everything for us in the bedroom. I highly recommend diving into the video series – The Best She’s Ever Had!

Heal Sexual Trauma

Heal Sexual Trauma

Look for a yoni massage therapist or similar sexual professional in your area. They are becoming more and more common, because the benefits of this kind of sexual healing are showing themselves everywhere!

Sexual Containment

Sexual containment

Energetic containment is healthy, and an important aspect of being conscious of oneself and one’s impact on others. It’s also a concept that is newly evolving, that many people are not even aware of. It begins with the recognition that we as humans are communicating and interacting with each other energetically, and we truly feel both emotional energy and sexual energy that is directed our way. It is important to learn how to create these boundaries, and to learn how to clean up leaky sexual energy.



Typically when we proceed on your full body massage, I will begin with places on your body that you might have more casualness about like your back, your arms, your face, your hair etc. Then I move onto your legs, your feet, and your abdomen. This may take the better part of an hour, but it is time well spent because it does so much to relax your vigilance center and activate your pelvic nerve.

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